Research Fellow in Epidemiological Modeling and Simulation (SPACE project)

Job offer posted on 13 September 2022 – This position is filled.

The CNRS@CREATE project SPACE (Work Package 1) is looking for a research fellow (RF) in modeling and spatial simulation to develop the epidemic prediction model that will be at the heart of the project. The objective is to build the model from available quantitative data (in particular GIS, Facebook data, epidemiological data) and qualitative data collected by the other WPs (e.g. through semi-structured interviews) to simulate the spread of dengue and covid-19 in Singapore and the impact of policies that may be pursued.


The SPACE project is developing a research protocol for infectious disease prediction and prevention in Singapore. The project draws upon analyses of the risk factors and sociospatial patterns that drive dengue and COVID-19 transmission in Singapore, as well as the social and technical skills developed by individuals and community groups in response to disease propagation. Combining insight from the social sciences (geography, architecture and urban design, communication, economics, sociology, public policy) with biology (epidemiology, entomology) and computer science (artificial intelligence, biostatistics), the project will use the concept of “adaptive capacity” (AC) to explore the potential of community-based “latent social capital” (i.e. human, cultural, political, and social) as key assets for adaptive responses to health challenges related to dengue in its interplay with COVID-19.

The project brings together 23 researchers, 10 from France and 13 from five Singaporean universities (NTU, NUS, SUTD, SMU and SUSS). The research will be conducted in several residential areas of Singapore. The fellow will receive a competitive salary and generous funding to support his/her research.


To achieve this objective, the proposed approach is to build a computer simulation model that will explicitly incorporate this knowledge.  The modeling method that will be used is the agent-based modelling, as it is best suited to explore the relationships between social structures and urban environments and to place individuals at the center of the simulated patterns. To better understand the mobility patterns and associated virus diffusion in Singapore, the mobility of individuals detected by cell phone companies and Facebook data will be analyzed.

 The RF’s work will involve both the analysis of available data (quantitative and qualitative) and the design, coding and analysis of the agent-based model. The model will be built using the GAMA open-source simulation platform.

The research will take place mainly in Singapore, at the premises of CNRS@CREATE.

Read more about the SPACE project here.



– PhD defended in Computer Science/geography/epidemiology

– Background and research experience in spatial agent-based simulation

– An experience with the GAMA platform will be a plus


  1. Research,
  2. Computer science,
  3. Agent-based simulation,
  4. Spatial data,
  5. Epidemiology,
  6. Dengue,
  7. Covid-19,
  8. GAMA platform


Salary range: 6,000-7,200 Singapore Dollars (depending on suitability and experience)

Workplace Address: CREATE Tower (NUS Campus), 1 Create Way #08-01 Singapore 138602

Please send a short cover letter describing your suitability for the position, detailed CV with publication list, a concise description of research interests and future plans, and academic transcripts to:

Olivier Telle

Patrick Taillandier

We will begin reviewing applications for the positions end of October 2022.

View this job offer on My Careers Future website here.