Phase 1

  • Geographic Information System (GIS) and preliminary descriptive mapping and exploratory spatial analysis of dengue and Covid-19 cases and related spatial covariates in Singapore.
  • Sampling of 6 urban areas taking into account the representative diversity of Singapore’s neighborhoods as well as low and high rates of incidence of dengue/Covid-19.
  • Construction of a common analytical and methodological framework based on the concept of Adaptive Capacity.

This research is supported by the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore under its Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE) programme.

CREATE is an international collaboratory housing research centres set up by top universities. At CREATE, researchers from diverse disciplines and backgrounds work closely together to perform cutting-edge research in strategic areas of interest, for translation into practical applications leading to positive economic and societal outcomes for Singapore. The interdisciplinary research centres at CREATE focus on four areas of interdisciplinary thematic areas of research, namely human systems, energy systems, environmental systems and urban systems. More information on the CREATE programme can be obtained from

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